About Waite Atkins

Company Bio

Waite Atkins was founded in 2011 by Yvonne Le Brun and Paul Pettigrew in order to provide specialist consultancy and interim management in the health and social care sector. Yvonne and Paul are the principals and co-directors of the company, which was named after their respective mothers’ maiden names.

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So far we have undertaken over a dozen assignments of various periods for clients in different parts of the country and in all cases have been able to make a significant difference in finding suitable and sustainable solutions to the issues they faced.

Through our own versatility and extensive experience in the public sector, as well as a network of like-minded colleagues, we can turn our hands to most process, systems and management issues in the health and social care sector. As part of our network we can also bring specialist clinical expertise to bear where required.

Our style is flexible, collaborative and participatory so that clients have an ongoing interaction with us as an assignment progresses

Yvonne Le Brun

Yvonne‘s previous career spans senior positions in both local government and the NHS and top level experience in both social work and health management. She paved the way for the formation of Waite Atkins working in interim management and consultancy since 2007. Yvonne’s strengths are in deep knowledge…

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… and management skill in health and social care and experience in integrating the two. She is also a national expert in the complex arena of NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) and has in particular been highly successful in budget control without compromising eligibility. She has extensive experience in interim management and this has fostered a multi-faceted skill set as well as experience in working in many different organisations.

Paul Pettigrew

Paul’s previous career spans local government and various government agencies around the country, holding leadership and managerial level posts in planning and regional development, training, business support, marketing and economic development. He has a strong academic and practical background in…

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… business strategy formation, change and development in a variety of contexts. He has managed multi-million pound budgets and led two public bodies at Chief Executive level. He is expert in complex multi-organisational partnerships and has written extensively in the management literature and presented at numerous conferences on this theme. He is particularly interested in the systemic nature of consulting in complex organisational milieux applied to the health and social care sector and in particular the flow of patients through the health and care system to maximise efficiency and patient welfare. Paul holds both Masters and Doctorate level business qualifications.